While these are some of the questions we get most often, don't hesitate to contact us if you can't figure anything out.
What is DashOne?
DashOne is an all-in-one dashboard for web3 utilities. This includes systems for users to both earn and spend points/tokens.
Why should I use DashOne?
Using DashOne provides you with a set of essential utilities for your community and offers customization so that you can even link your own utilities through DashOne, making it truly the all-in-one marketplace.
If you got hacked, could my or my user's funds be taken?
No, all user connections to JVL Profiles provide ready only permissions, so no holder assets could be touched. See Security & Privacyfor more details.
Where do auction/raffle/marketplace rewards come from?
Rewards for the auction house, raffle system, and marketplace are chosen by you and can be NFTs, merchandise, tokens, WL spots, or whatever else you can think of! When creating the auction/raffle/marketplace listing, you have the option to either choose manual or automated reward distribution.
How long does the system take to implement?
As of late September, the estimated time to implement the full system is 4–6 weeks for early adopters. Some of the features may come sooner or take more time.
Can DashOne be whitelabeled?
Yes! DashOne can be fully whitelabeled and customized to fit the taste of your community. However, you must use the existing wireframe.
Can I show DashOne on my own subdomain?
Currently DashOne cannot be shown under your own subdomain, but if this is a strict requirement for your project a special arrangement may be able to be made. Contact us for details!
Can DashOne be resold?
DashOne cannot be resold unless a special affiliate deal is come to. If you are an affiliate or authorized reseller, both you and your community may have permission to resell certain JuiceVendor products for rev share.
Does DashOne support multiple collections?
Yes! DashOne supports multiple collections, but they must be under the same project. Each subscription only supports one project's collections, and up to 10,000 total NFTs or 3 collections. This may be negotiated depending on your needs.
Does pricing depend on a project's size?
Yes, if you have a small project the yearly fee may be cheaper, or may be broken down into shorter time frames if a promotion is active. The price is only increased if you have more than 10,000 total NFTs between your collections.
Can I add my own modules to DashOne?
Yes! With the help of iFrames, you can "embed" any link within your DashOne dashboard to keep all of your utilities/features in one place.
Is the API free to use?
No, the JVL API is not free to use. Only owners of DashOne can get an API key, and additional fees may apply.
Can I change the UI?
To an extent, you can customize the dashboard to fit your company's theme. This includes colors, what items appear on the menubar, banners, logos, etc. However, you cannot change the wireframe.
Can I buy just some of the tools if I don't need them all?
Absolutely. The reason that we offer both Core Features and Modules is so that you can pick and choose exactly what you need. However, if you don't need a dashboard at all and just want PFP rewards, Follow2Earn, or the Mojito Discord Bot, the JVL Suite may be a better fit for your interests. Be sure to contact us to get set up or with any questions.
Last updated
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